Sunday 9/29
– Church Service
11:00AM – Church Service

Monday 9/30
PM Called out youth

Tuesday 10/1
6:30PM Men’s CFC Bible Study

Wednesday 10/2
9AM-11:30AM Food Pantry
6:30PM Foundations Class Bible Study

Thursday 10/3
9:30AM Women’s Bible Study
6:30PM Womens Bible Study

Friday 10/4
9:30AM Mom’s Club

Saturday 10/5
– Men’s Prayer in Sanctuary
NO Mobile Meals

Sunday 10/6
8:45AM – Church Service
11:00AM – Church Service


If you are available Tuesday mornings and have construction skills, we have a place for you to serve! Craftsmen for Christ meets at 7am at the church prior to going out to meet the needs of the community by building wheelchair ramps. See Brent Thompson for details or call email for additional information.

The Craftsmen for Christ Love Your Neighbor Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays from 9am-11:30am. If you are in need and that time does not work for you, please call the church office at 530-751-0505 to schedule an appointment.

Anchors of Hope Care home ministry service opportunities:

· Marysville Post-Acute—Sundays 1:30-2:45pm

· Summerfield Senior Living —Thursdays 10:20-11:30am

· Home Visits for Bride church members —various times

Make friends, have fun and talk about Jesus! If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Keith and Carol Heinberger @ (K)530-632-2037 or (C) 530-701-3508 “Every person is a mystery until you know them, just like every day is a fresh page until you live it”

We need extra baskets for various ministries. If you have any extra baskets, please drop them off at the church office. We would greatly appreciate it.

Craftsmen for Christ 27th Golf Tournament- October 5th at Plumas Lake Golf and Country Club. Sign up here Craftsmen For Christ ( or for more information contact Kevin Darwazeh (530) 682-8756. if you would like to be a sponsor please sign up here Golf Tournament Sponsor Form – Craftsmen For Christ (

3rd Annual Lydia’s House Chili Cook-off/Dinner & Fundraiser. For dinner we will have chili with all the fixings, salad, cornbread, and dessert. There will also be raffle baskets and a dessert auction too!! Come and help us continue to come alongside women as they allow God to transform their lives. Lydia’s House Chili Cook-Off – The Bride Church (