His Resurrection Gives Us a Purpose

The Old and the New – Week 5
Easter Sunday – April 4, 2021

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Jesus prayed that we would believe in Him as the only true God.
  • His resurrection distinguishes Him as the one true God.
  • His tomb is empty: victory over death was accomplished.
  • Jesus transcends our pain, sorrow, fear, pride, rebellion, and addictions. 
  • Jesus offered Himself to His disciples as they were locked in a room.
  • Jesus’s offer remains the same after the resurrection: His peace, a purpose, and His power.

Discussion Questions

  1. What part of Jesus’s transcendence into the locked room captivates you? His peace, His purpose, or His power? Explain.
  2. Jesus promises a new life. What would you like Him to do in you that is new and comes out of the resurrection?
  3. In what areas of your life is resurrection power is needed?