Marked To Go Free

Marked – Week 42
September 25, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Peter follows behind Jesus as He is led away. He warms himself by a fire while Jesus is tried.
  • Jesus is given over to Pilate to be condemned to death.
  • Peter denies Jesus three times.
  • Peter is left in tears of regret and shame.
  • Hebrews 10 speaks of the Old Covenant of animal sacrifice and that it can never fully take away sin.
  • Jesus’s sacrifice was more than forgiveness; it canceled the payment. 
  • Jesus was found innocent; Barabbas was guilty but was set free in exchange for Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  1. What were the 4 types of shadows leading up to the sacrifice of Jesus as described by Pastor Bob? Discuss. 
  2. How does Jesus’s sacrifice differ?
  3. Do you struggle to fully except His forgiveness?
  4. What area of your life is hindered when you’re not able to receive full forgiveness?

The Old Testament is The New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed! – Augustine